We are delighted to welcome AI and Faith supporters to the role of Members as participants in our AI&F community alongside and in support of our Experts. Members donate $100 or more per year to our community. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement!
Nick Acosta
Mohammed Aleem
Laurie Brenner
Mistoria Brown
April Chapman
Uli Chi
Timothy Clancy
Carla Garcia
Tim Drye
Mollie Fadule
Terrilyn Franklin
Fafi Getachew
Jake Huizinga
Scott Hurd
Dr K
Marcie Kellegrew
Lorenzo Lebrija
Victor Luu
R. Dennis Macaleer
Ryan Mullins
Ken Ng
Rebecca J Parsons
David Paskin
Henry Peter
Lino Ramirez Velasquez
Jonathan Roberts
Rob Rose
Merrit Sawyer
Steve Sawyer
Michael Tope
AI and Faith is a pluralist organization seeking to engage the world in the moral and ethical issues around artificial intelligence.