We are delighted to welcome AI and Faith supporters to the new role of Members as participants in our AI&F community alongside and in support of our Experts. Members are Donors of $100 or more. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement!
Aneelah Afzali
Benjamin Olsen
Brad Hill
Calvin Mercer
Carla Garcia
Chris Cox
Craig Chapman
Dan Forbush
Daniel Weiner
David Barstow
David Brenner
David Hackett
David Paskin
DeEtte Decker
Dr. K
Elias Kruger
Fafi Getachew
Greg Schaeffer
Henry Peter
Kenneth Cukier
Lewis McMurran
Lorenzo Lebrija
Margaret Grun Kibben
Mark Graves
Michael Quinn
Michael Tope
Mike Truong
Mistoria Brown
Mois Navon
Nick Acosta
Nivine Zakhari
Oriana Li Halevy
Paul Lange
R. Dennis Macaleer
Rebecca J Parsons
Rob Rose
Robert Geraci
S. Joshua Swamidass
Terrilyn Franklin
Theodore Peters
Tim Drye
Thomas Osborn
Victor Luu
Wes King
AI and Faith is a pluralist organization seeking to engage the world in the moral and ethical issues around artificial intelligence.