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AI and Faith Welcomes Four New Experts

Amy Noel Green (CF Programs)  creates narrative video games that focus on personal and innovative stories. Her titles with Numinous Games include BAFTA award winning That Dragon, Cancer and Cannes and Venice International Film Festival Nominated AREA MAN LIVES, a virtual reality mystery that allows the player to speak out loud to the characters within the game. She is currently working on fitness games for Talofa games with the goal of helping make people mentally and physically healthier. Amy served on the board of directors for the Christian Game Developer’s Conference for five years and now serves on the advisory counsel of Imladris and as a leader in the Wedgwood Gaming Circle. Amy has given a TED talk with over 1.8 million views; she has been a featured speaker at The World Cyber Games, Madrid Games Week, Pop Tech, Games for Change, SXSW, Notre Dame, and the University of Chicago.

Ryan Green (CF Programs) is a BAFTA award-winning video game designer, digital interactive artist, and programmer currently focused on the metaverse. Ryan believes that technology should reveal rather than replace our humanity. He also serves as founder and Creative Director of Numinous Games, a studio he co-founded in 2012 with a focus on narrative, VR, serious, and accessible games.

Numinous Games first title, That Dragon, Cancer, was created as a poetic memorial to Ryan and his wife Amy’s third son Joel, and Joel’s fight against terminal brain cancer. That Dragon, Cancer has received broad critical praise, winning a BAFTA award in 2017 for innovation. Ryan has been featured in many publications including WIRED, New York Times, and The New Yorker He has spoken at TEDMED, PopTech, Tribeca Film Festival, and the Seoul Digital Forum in South Korea as well as featured on Radiolab and the CBS Sunday Morning television program. Humanity To Maximize Machines and Hacking Happiness: Why Your Personal Data Counts and How Tracking it Can Change the World.

Alex Sarkissian (Editorial Team) is an entrepreneur, contemplative coach, and Buddhist chaplain. He is the co-founder of Wisdom Imperative which empowers organizations and leaders to build cultures of connection, compassion, and growth. His work centers around the future of spiritual practice & community, technology ethics, and human flourishing in the age of AI. 

Alex was previously a founder, CMO, and operator at various early-stage startups and a strategy & innovation consultant at Deloitte. He holds a Master of Divinity in Buddhism & Interreligious Engagement from Union Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and History from Northwestern University. Alex started meditating in 2009 and is a practicing Buddhist straddling the traditions of Insight and Soto Zen.

Divya Siddarth (Advisor) is executive director and co-founder of the Collective Intelligence Project, which brings democratic input to artificial intelligence. She has held positions at the UK AI Safety Institute, Microsoft’s Office of the CTO, and the Oxford Internet Institute.

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