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Our Partners

We cooperate with our organizational Partners in supporting joint programs, resourcing and highlighting other content, encouraging our overlapping missions, and exploring creative ways to advance wise engagement with AI-powered technologies.

AI 2030 Institute

AI 2030 is an initiative aimed at harnessing the transformative power of AI to benefit humanity while minimizing its potential negative impact.
Representatives to AI & Faith: Xiochen Zhang is Chief AI Officer and Executive Director at AI 2030, and Ben Christensen is AI 2030’s Co-Chair, Climate.
American Scientific Affiliate (ASA)

American Scientific Affiliate is an international network of Christians engaged in the interface of faith-science questions, with regular meetings and publications. Their mission is to interpret, integrate, and communicate the discoveries of science with insights of Scripture and Christian theology.

Representative to AI&F:  Hannah Eagleson is Director of Partnerships and Innovation for ASA and engages across a number of Christian organizations.


BioLogos advocates for respectful dialogue and understanding between rigorous science and the Christian faith. It produces the Language of God podcast, web resources, and a high school biology curriculum. Primary areas of emphasis are evolution, climate change, and technology.

Representative to AI&F: Jim Stump is Vice President of Programs at BioLogos.
Center for Theology and Natural Sciences

The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) promotes the creative mutual interaction between theology and the natural sciences through research, teaching and public service. It is a program of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California.

Representative to AI&F:  Braden Molhoek is Director at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences and the Ian G. Barbour Assistant Professor of Theology, Science, Ethics, and Technology at GTU.

Christians in AI
Christians in AI (CHAI) is a collective of AI technology creators and others interested in the intersection of Christianity and AI. They engage in AI research, prayerful discussion, and community building at conferences and other technology-oriented settings.
Representative to AI&F:  Richard Zhang is founder of CHAI.
Christianity Today

For nearly seven decades, Christianity Today has elevated the stories and ideas of the kingdom of God. Today it reaches 4 million leaders each month through in-depth reporting and striking commentary, redemptive storytelling, global perspective, groundbreaking podcasts and dynamic content.

Representative to AI&F: Timothy Dalrymple is the President and CEO of Christianity Today.

Duquesne University

The Carl G. Grefenstette Center, based out of Duquesne University, is the first in the world to bring Catholic, Spiritan values and ideals in an ecumenical framework to grapple with the growing challenges presented by science and technology in society. Our vision is to enrich the conversations and practical implementations of ethics in digital technology by incorporating religious ethics into future discussion and development. The Grefenstette Center hosts an annual symposium each Fall, a student-focused hackathon (hacking4humanity) every Spring, a digital ethics micro-credential, and regularly hosts scholars at the intersection of ethics, technology and faith on campus.

Representative to AI&F: John Slattery is Executive Director of the Grefenstette Center.

Effective Altruism for Christians

Effective Altruism for Christians is a global community of Christians committed to serving others as well as possible, using evidence and reason. We inspire and equip others to better steward our key resources of money, time, and influence by donating to highly effective charities; dedicating our time selectively, especially via our careers; and promoting principles of effective altruism.

Representative to AI&F: Jonathan David Bauman is the Washington, DC-based director and global organizer of EACH.

Friendship Press
Friendship Press is the publishing arm of the National Council of Churches. They publish Christian books that create a better future for all and license all use of the versions of the Bible: Revised Standard Version (RSV), the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), and the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVue).
Representative to AI & Faith: Brian Sigmon, CEO and Publisher at Friendship Press
Gloo’s AI and the Church Initiative

The AI and the Church Initiative launched by Gloo in Boulder, Colorado seeks to connect and serve the global Church by convening diverse subject matter experts and faith representatives to provide sound, thoughtful, and yet confident leadership in the realm of AI. It is founded on the belief that it is a moral imperative to responsibly use technology to advance human flourishing. 
Representative to AI&F:  Steele Billings is the Managing Partner of Gloo Ventures and AI, a division of Gloo that includes AI initiatives and Mergers, Acquisitions, and Investments.
Iman Center - Kirkland

Since 1997, Ithna-asheri Muslim Association of the Northwest (IMAN) in Kirkland, WA has nurtured an environment that allows individuals to grow and contribute as they seek closeness to Allah SWT.

Representative to AI&F: Jawad Khaki,  a former Microsoft Corporate Vice President,  helped establish IMAN and serves as its President.

Institute for Security and Technology

The Institute for Security and Technology (IST) is a 501(c)(3) critical action think tank that unites technology and policy leaders to create actionable solutions to emerging security challenges. IST takes collaborative action to advance national security and global stability through technology built on trust.

Representatives to AI & Faith: Philip Reiner (CEO) and Elizabeth Vish (Senior Director for International Cyber Engagement)


IslamiCity, founded in 1995, is one of the world’s most visited portals for information about Islam and Muslims, attracting over 15 million annual visitors. It promotes understanding among civilizations through curated news and analysis on cultural, religious, socio-economic, and scientific topics. IslamiCity’s AI project,, expands access to Islamic knowledge.

Representatives to AI&Faith: Mohammed Abdul Aleem is co-founder and CEO of IslamiCity’s overseeing non-profit Human Assistance & Development International (HADI) and Amr Saemaldahr is its co-founder and Chief Technology Officer.

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University

The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University (the Jesuit Catholic university of Silicon Valley) has online resources and supports research and programs in applied ethics related to AI and other technologies.

Representatives to AI&F: Brian Green is Director of Technology Ethics, and Ann Skeet is Senior Director of Leadership Ethics at Markkula.

Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS)

MAPS is the largest Islamic Center in Washington, with locations in Redmond, Seattle and Snohomish County and a diverse community of over 7,000 families from more than 50 countries.

Representative to AI&F: Salah Dandan is the corporate secretary of MAPS and a founding member emeritus of AI&F’s board.

Museum of the Bible

The Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. documents the narrative, history, and impact of the Bible. The museum invites all people to engage with the transformative power of the Bible through interactive exhibits and cutting-edge technology, and also supports academic research around the world.

Representative to AI&F:  Wesley Viner is Early Modern Curator at Museum of the Bible and a PhD candidate at Princeton University.

Northwest University - Creatio Center for Technology, Media and Design

If you want to work in tech, or a creative field Northwest University’s Creatio Center has developed exceptional degree programs that will equip you for success in the ”digital revolution”.

Representative to AI&F: Craig Chapman is Creatio’s Dean/Director and a software engineer and architect with over 35 years of experience building advanced software systems and managing engineers for a variety of technology companies.

Partnership on AI (PAI)

Partnership on AI (PAI) is a non-profit partnership of academic, civil society, industry, and media organizations creating solutions so that AI advances positive outcomes for people and society around the most important and difficult questions concerning the future of AI.

Representative to AI&F:  Caitlin Dally is Director of Partnerships Engagement at PAI.

Peaceful Science

Peaceful Science is a civic practice of science, founded by a scientist at Washington University in St. Louis, asking “What does it mean to be human?” It seeks dialogue and understanding across disagreements that matter, and engages content from scientists, theologians, and other scholars.

Representative to AI&F:  Joshua Swamidass is the founder and director of Peaceful Science.

Religious Freedom and Business Foundation

RFBF is the preeminent organization dedicated to educating the global business community, policymakers, non-government organizations and consumers about the positive power that faith and religious freedom for all (including those with no religious faith) have on workplaces and the economy. It is a non-partisan, nonpolitical registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States that works worldwide with multiple faiths. 

Representative to AI&F: Brian Grim is RFBF’s founding president and the global chair Dare to Overcome, a corporate diversity initiative that promotes mutual respect and engagement among differing groups in the workplace.

Seattle Pacific University

Seattle Pacific University is a Christian university fully committed to engaging the culture and changing the world by graduating people of competence and character, becoming people of wisdom, and modeling grace-filled community.

Representative to AI&F:  Carlos Arias is Assistant Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Seattle Pacific University whose work focuses on the interaction between faith and computer science, and computer science education.

Seattle University - Ethics and Technology

Seattle University is a Jesuit Catholic university that hosts an annual Ethics and Tech Conference where thought leaders from various disciplines discuss complex issues related to AI, legal, business and nonprofit applications.

Representative to AI&F:  Nathan Colaner is a Teaching Professor in the Department of Management at Seattle University, where he is also Director of Business Analytics. His research and teaching focus on the ethical implications of the development and use of analytics and artificial intelligence.

Serious Insights

Serious Insights is a boutique analyst firm helping clients rethink strategy, challenge assumptions about products and services, and discover new ways to learn from customers, by evaluating innovative, useful, and well-made hardware and software, and providing perspectives on tech industry news and emerging ideas.

Representative to AI&F: Principal Analyst Daniel W. Rasmus, Dan Rasmus is a founding member emeritus of AI&F’s board of directors from his Jewish faith tradition, and a respected analyst with over 30 years of industry experience.

Sinai and Synapses

Sinai and Synapses’ podcasts classes, seminars, lectures, videos, podcasts, and other writings envision religion as embracing critical thinking and scientific inquiry, while simultaneously offering profound spiritual insights that inspire others to make positive impacts on society. 

Representative to AI&F:  Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman is the founder of Sinai and Synapses, and an internationally recognized teacher, presenter, and scholar-in-residence.

Temple De Hirsch Sinai

Temple De Hirsch Sinai, in Seattle and Bellevue, is the oldest and largest synagogue in the Pacific Northwest (with 1500 member families). As part of the Reform Jewish community, it is committed to working towards a better world, prioritizing social justice, education, and equality among all people. In life, work, and worship, TDS seeks to share the Jewish experience and affirm our Temple values of integrity, inclusivity, diversity, responsiveness, and community. 

Representative to AI&F: Senior Rabbi Daniel Weiner is a pioneer in video worship, an author and columnist for Seattle newspapers, and leads the worship rock band at TDS.


Theotech is a company that practices Technology Entrepreneurship for the Gospel (TE4G). It looks for virtuous cycles where investments of time and energy produce momentum towards kingdom outcomes, with God as its foremost customer and creating products and experiences that fulfill His desires and bless the world.

Representative to AI&F:  Chris Lim leads TheoTech, where he created the company’s primary product, a platform where humans and AI collaborate to deliver real time translations of live events. He was formerly a software engineer at Amazon. 

Union Church

Union Church is located in the heart of Amazon’s campus in South Lake Union, Seattle, a community full of doubters, riskers, questioners, truth seekers who are living into being externally focused in our city and the world, internally alive as a community and eternally connected to the living Jesus. 

Representative to AI&F:  James B Notkin is the co-founding senior pastor of Union Church.

University of Washington - Initiative for Global Christian Studies

IGCS is part of the Comparative Religion Program in the Jackson School for International Studies at the University of Washington and seeks to develop a robust program of teaching and research focused on the study of Christianity in its global context, expanding its capacity to foster teaching and research on the full spectrum of global Christian communities.

Representative to AI&F:  Jim Wellman is the Chair of the Comparative Religion Program in the Jackson School of International Studies at UW.

University Presbyterian Church

University Presbyterian Church is a family of communities joining Jesus to transform our lives and the lives of our neighbors at the University of Washington, in our neighborhoods, and all around the world.

Representative to AI&F:  Brenda Ng is an elder at UPC and the Executive Director for Research & Insights in the Digital Innovation Group of Providence Health and Services. 

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