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AI in Sacred Texts and Practices


To explore theological insights, opportunities for engagement, and wise faith uptake and development of generative AI and other AI technologies and applications with sacred texts, teaching, gathering in community, and personal faith practice.

Our Experts

Thomas Arnold, Ali-Reza Bhojani, Shanen Boettcher, Kutter Callaway, Yaqub Chaudhary, Daren Erisman, Douglas Estes, Adam Graber, Mark Graves, Noreen Herzfeld, Don Howard,  David Zvi Kalman, Jeremy Kirschbaum, Mois Navon, Joanna Ng, Thomas Osborn, Ted Peters, Marcus Schwarting and Sarah Wolkenfeld.

Project Links

AI & Faith

Museum of The Bible (MOTB)

Theology and Science article

In the media 


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