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Faith and AI at Global Scale


To identify and partner with religious organizations, AI institutes, influential faith and business leaders, media and educational platforms, curriculum developers, the Partnership on AI, and religious technology organizations to share our work and collectively leverage it for wider, deeper and more effective influence AI creation, policy, and practice  across business, government, and society.

Our Experts

Thomas Arnold, Harris Bor, David Brenner,  Yaqub Chaudhary, Nathan Colaner, Salah Dandan, Barry Dynkin, Ben Dynkin, Dan Forbush, David Goecke, Mark Graves, Dave Hackett, Lew McMurran, Thomas Osborn, Michael Paulus, Anna Puzio, Ron Roth and Trish Shaw.

Project Links

AI & Faith

AI for UUs

Unitarian Universalists are preparing for the integration of AI and human on three sites:

In the media 

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