Please join our third “Town Hall” of 2023 featuring our Advisor Rabbi Mois Navon, who has followed his 35-year career as a pioneering AI computer design engineer with doctoral study at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv on how humans should interact, morally, with humanoids. Rabbi Mois’ most recent publication is Autonomous Weapons Systems and Battlefield Dignity – A Jewish Perspective, a chapter in the July 2023 book Alexa, How Do You Feel about Religion?” Technology, Digitization and Artificial Intelligence in the Focus of AI, co-edited by our AI&F Advisor Anna Puzo. Certainly, machine made decisions on the battlefield present the hardest edge of attempts at moral algorithmic decisionmaking, AI&F’s theme for September and October. Our Town Hall host Pablo Ruz Salmones will also explore with Rabbi Mois his front row seat on AI research in Israel since the 1990s, and the AI ethics conversation there.
(Wednesday) 7:00 am - 8:00 am
AI and Faith is a pluralist organization seeking to engage the world in the moral and ethical issues around artificial intelligence.