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Microsoft Research Podcast Producer and Host Gretchen Huizinga joins the AI and Faith Board

We are delighted to welcome Founding Expert Gretchen Huizinga to the AI&F board.  Gretchen learned of AI and Faith’s work from Founding Expert Professor Jim Wellman at the University of Washington’s Comparative Religion Program in the course of re-engaging work on her PhD dissertation.  Professor Wellman will be one of her thesis advisors, and her thesis will address  the religious dimension of AI and Ethics.   Gretchen brings to the board extensive experience in education, media, public relations, and now the benefit of 30 months of podcasting developments and interviews with researchers on the cutting edge of AI in Microsoft Research.  Gretchen has also dived into our development of a digital curriculum for faith congregations.

Other members of our board are Founding Experts Bruce Baker, who teaches business ethics at Seattle Pacific University; David Brenner, a lawyer in risk management and board chair; Salah Dandan, an attorney with an extensive practice including many Arab Gulf clients; Marsh Kellegrew, a nonprofit CPA and also our treasurer; Reid Maclellan, an MD and AI medical startup entrepreneur in Boston and Chattanooga; and Daniel Rasmus, head of the digital marketing consultancy Serious Insights and our board secretary.

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