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AI and Faith Welcomes Ann Mongoven of Markkula Institute as our Newest Founding Expert

Ann Mongoven PhD is the associate director of Health Care Ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics where her work includes clinical ethics service and consultation; research in health care ethics and policy; media commentary; and educational mentorship.  Ann seeks to foster deliberative approaches to complex ethical issues and negotiation of associated tradeoffs in public life, and is especially committed to addressing gender and cultural challenges in bioethics. She facilitated public engagements on biobanking ethics,  and seeks to explore ethical opportunities and challenges of “big data” and AI for public health. Her 2009 book Just Love: Transforming Civic Virtue (Indiana University Press) uses examples of  ordinary moral heroes to reflect on how passionate personal commitments and public-mindedness can mutually inform each other. She holds a doctorate in Religious Studies/Ethics (University of Virginia) and a Masters of Public Health (Johns Hopkins University).

We are especially pleased to include Ann because she brings terrific connections in the cross over between data ethics and bioethics where she has worked for many years.  She shares that background with another recently joined Bay Area Founding Expert, Dr. Ted Peters in Berkeley.

Ann has agreed to help us pull together our first “affinity group” of Founding Experts, in this case in the health care arena where over a half dozen of our members work.  As our resource pool of Founding Expert experts grows, we seek to deepen engagement and cross-fertilization by bringing together Founding Experts from similar backgrounds and interests in a particular dialogue.

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