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AI and Faith Welcomes Four New Founding Experts

As part of our continuing goal of bringing together sophisticated tech professionals working in the AI arena with deep thinking ethicists, theologians and philosophers, we are excited to welcome the following new Founding Experts to our resource group of experts:

Francis Djirackor has worked in telecommunications and IT engineering in Ghana and Kenya since 1995.  He is presently the Executive Director of Elris Communications Services Ltd, providing professional services in the telecommunications, broadcast and IT space in Nairobi, and Country Manager of Swiss-based Telecommunication Engineering Company.  Francis is a leader at CITAM Ministries, a dynamic collection of four large Christian congregations in Kenya’s capital.   He holds a masters degree in radio communications engineering from Saint Petersburg’s State University of Telecommunications.

Gretchen Huizinga is the Executive Producer and Host of the Microsoft Research Podcast and the founder of the Center for Digital Wisdom, a nascent consortium of cultural guardians dedicated to the qualitative search for wisdom in a quantitative world. Gretchen holds a BA in English, a Master of Mass Communication, an M.Ed. in Learning Sciences and Human Development, and is currently completing a PhD exploring voices of faith in the responsible AI conversation.

Lewis McMurran is presently the Co-Manager of the Future of Work Project for Washington State’s Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board.  Lew has over two decades of experience in government relations, advocacy, and external affairs for a wide range of employers in the private, public and non-profit sectors, including as COO of a software startup. Most notably, from 2000-2013, Lew was the first Director of Government Relations for the Washington Software Alliance (now WTIA), rising to Vice President of Government and External Relations. He is a graduate of Georgetown University in International Relations.

Rev. Ted Peters, PhD, is the Distinguished Research Professor of Systematic Theology and Ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, and co-founder and co-editor of the journal Theology and Science.  He is a pioneer in bioethics engagement who over the years has especially focused on ethics related to the human genome and stem cell research, and presently is studying issues related to transhumanism and data technology. He is a graduate of Michigan State University, holds masters   degrees from the University of Chicago and Trinity Lutheran Seminary and a PhD from the University of Chicago. See his website:

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